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Pre-National Semi-Finals

With the first place in the group Auvergne Rhone Alpes, the Jets have qualified for the semi-finals of the French championship Pre National (N4), which will be held on June 4 and 5, 2022.

Our team will face the following opponents:

- St-Médard (champion of the Aquitaine group).

- Nice (champion of the group PACA)

- Tours (champion of the group Centre Val de Loire)

- Pontarlier (champion of the group Burgundy-Franche-Comté)

- St Sulpice (champion of the Occitanie group).

The first two teams of the semi-finals qualify for the final, which will be held in Dourdan (78) on June 18 and 19, 2022.

There they will meet the team from St. Gilles (champion of the Reunion group) and the first two teams of the second semifinal:

- Lamballe (champion of the group Brittany).

- Epernay (champion of the Grand Est group)

- Camon (champion of the Hauts de France group)

- Angers (champion of the group Pays de Loire)

- Villeneuve (Champion of the group IDF)

- Cherbourg (Champion of the Normandy Group)

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