Geneva Cup - Day 6 -Ramoneurs Savoyards vs Cowboys Fringants
For the sixth day of the Geneva Cup 2022, the Ramoneurs Savoyards were opposed to the Cowboys Fringants in the first game of the day....
Geneva Cup - Day 6 -Ramoneurs Savoyards vs Cowboys Fringants
Geneva Cup - Day 5 - 3NX vs ALV
Geneva Cup - Day 4 - Meyrina vs Ramoneurs
Geneva Cup - Day 4 - 3NX vs Jets
Geneva Cup - Day 3 - Dirty Monkeys vs Cowboys
Geneva Cup - Day 2 - Ramoneurs vs Dirty Monkeys
Geneva Cup - Day 2 - 3NX vs Meyrina
Geneva Cup - Day 1- Jets vs Aire la Ville
Final Round Swiss Cup
End of the Swiss Cup adventure
End of regular season N4
Interview with coach Benjamin Donnet
Pre-National Semi-Finals
Draw 1/8 final IHS
1/16 final IHS Swiss Cup
1/32 final IHS Swiss Cup
Day 3 - France N4
Day 6 - France regio